Take ½ tablespoon in the morning and again at night, every day for the first two weeks, then, take ½ tablespoon per day. Consider continuing to take a full tablespoon per day if you have an active lifestyle.
Be sure to store in the fridge for maximum effectiveness.
Take three capsules per day for best results.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Protein, carbs, fats, fiber, fruit, nuts, seeds and vegetables.
That’s the recipe. For starters, try to create meals and snacks that have balanced amounts of these items.
Try not to ever eat just carbs; always add protein and fat.
• Sweetened drinks/soda
• Commercially fried foods
• Energy drinks
• Refined white grains
• Artificial sweeteners
• Processed deli meats
• Packaged muffins
• Refined sugar
• Saturated and trans-fats
One word sums it all up: move. Walk, run, lift weights, do yoga…play pickleball.
Find something that works for you, that’s fun and that breaks a sweat. And shoot for 20 minutes a day.
That really is, in our humble opinion, a fantastic start.
Best of luck, drop us an email anytime for a little help: info@greenfat.com